Podere Le Fornaci goat farm

The undisputed protagonists of the farm is our small flock of Alpine Chamois Colored goats
which we call by name and raise with good farming habits.

Why are our goats unique?

Free-range grazing

The goats graze freely 24 hours a day in the shed as well as in the meadows and adjacent woods under the eye of a shepherd.

Locally sourced fodder

They eat our own hay and alfalfa as well as selected cereals grown in Tuscany.

Constant well-being

A goat that lives well has a better immune system. In fact, we only employ phytotherapy to keep them healthy with the use of antibiotics limited to emergencies.

Constant cleaning

The shed is kept clean, with straw added daily to the bedding which is important to prevent diseases for the animals and to maintain a healthy environment for those who work with them. The litter is not chemically treated and is composted to fertilize the fields and kitchen garden.

Natural development

We do not use artificial insemination. The goats breed naturally respecting their hormonal cycle thanks to our high-performance breeders. After birth, the kids remain with their mothers and are weaned naturally, without artificial feeders or powdered milk.

Selected herd

We continuously select the flock to have healthy goats and are therefore good milk producers. The selection work allows us to follow their matrilineal genetical lines. The breeding males are periodically replaced to avoid inbreeding problems and

new males are purchased by careful selection from the appropriate farms paying attention to the goat’s health and genetics.
In the same way, we expect our customers who buy our animals to guarantee that they will be well-treated with a grazing area available to them. We also select bucklings or young males, to sell as breeding stock.

Would you be interested to come and visit us?