The history of Podere le Fornaci

The Podere le Fornaci farm was founded in Greve in Chianti in 2000.
At that time, the herd consisted of 25 Alpine chamois goats, and breeding and production were managed on a family basis.

Identity and change

Podere le Fornaci had a large flock, several managements of passionate people, extensive business contacts and a strong presence at the farmers markets.
We have always combined hospitality with the work of raising and caring for the flock, until the weight of the various services changed, as did the people who offer them. In short, like all small businesses alive, Podere le Fornaci has changed shape, not identity. We believe in respect and in the well-being of animals and the surrounding environment, in peasant work and in a genuine hospitality without pretense.
Therefore, in order to continue doing our work and living on the farm, at the end of 2022 we have reduced our flock Of goats. The choice was not easy, but due and wanted. We are happy to know that the goats we called one by one by name and cared for and milked for years, continue to be well.
Podere le Fornaci has been and continues to be a farm and goat farm with a dairy. Today it is also a place where taste products of quality, stay for short periods, relax, have fun and learn how to make cheese.

Watch our video interview

We continue to network

Networking and having a supportive community helps to live well and face work and life in the countryside with peace of mind. Therefore, we are part of the movement of peasant resistance Jerome Laronze, Florentine node of the network national Genuine Clandestine.

It is a movement that associates different farms according to the principle of participatory guarantee in which admission takes place with the control of other existing member companies and even some consumer members. The added value is to have a Active social network at the economic, agronomic and political levels.

We are happy to be part of Genuino Clandestino because it defends the food sovereignty and the value of local self-productions as a tool for cultural renaissance and of political vindication.

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