The goat cheeses from
Podere le Fornaci
The goodness of the cheeses we produce depends on the well-being of our goats.
In the Podere le Fornaci dairy, hygiene reigns supreme and together with lactic bacteria and noble molds, elements necessary to populate the dairy, create the cheesemaking from raw milk by reducing inconveniences and avoiding any type of contamination.
Milk has its own vital and changing world that speaks of something new every day: a goat off its feed, a scrap in the night, a strong scare, the introduction of the male to the flock. These are some of the factors that may affect the day’s milk that arrives in the laboratory straight from the shed. Those working in the dairy will assess the situation and apply different cheesemaking techniques to use and enhance the difference in the milk compared to the norm.
Our cheeses
There are however some “invariable” elements that we can predict and manage: the seasons, the lactation period, a healthy and well- balanced diet, quality of life and state of well-being. Our way of farming orients dairy choices towards a production of precise types of cheese.
Fresh goat cheese
It is made with raw milk in the French tradition. It comes either in a round or square shape and is aromatic and slightly acidic. Each form weighs approximately 350 grams.
Tips: it is very versatile so you can use it in pestos and sauces, but also to make an exceptional cheesecake.
A flavored variant of goat cheese. We make them in round-shaped forms weighing approximately 250 grams each. It is available with various herbs or spices: summer savory, tarragon, poppy, chives, etc.
Tips: given the presence of herbs, it is ideal spread on bruschetta as an appetizer.
It is available from March to October.
Cheese with a herbal aromatic taste thanks to the work of the noble molds that develop on the rind from the seventh day of aging. It is a variation on fresh goat’s cheese compared to which it is more flavorsome with the scent of the woods enriching the milk.
It has a different texture being less spreadable but still smooth on the palate. The fully developed rind of Geotrichum and Penicillium candidum contrasts pleasantly in terms of flavors and texture with this smooth sensation.
Its aging varies from 15 days to a month and a half or two, acquiring increasing pungency while losing humidity. The end result is a weight of 150 g sold as a mature goat’s cheese.
Tips: it goes well with onion jam or honey; it may be added in small pieces to vegetable and cereal salads.
Like other mature cheeses, it is usually to be found from April to December.
Matured goat cheese begins also as classic fresh goat cheese. This cheese always offers pleasant surprises because the milk that “is different every day”, when left to age naturally, transforms itself each time to take on a new personality. During its long aging process, when it is turned over and checked daily, it reaches a harder consistency and a very piquant taste.
Tips: Due to its decisive aroma, mature goat cheese is ideal accompanied with sweet and sour compotes such as those made with onions from Tropea and honey.
It is usually available later in the season from June onwards until supplies run out.
Why choose goat cheeses
Goat cheeses are the most digestible among cheeses found easily on the market. It’s too bad this is not a good enough reason to gorge on our cheeses, but it should certainly be a good excuse to treat yourself to a platter of assorted cheeses, to be tasted in exact order starting from the freshest and ending with the most mature.
Would you be interested to come and visit us and taste our cheeses at the Podere?